👉 We need your help. Please help us cover our costs and choose a 60p DD  🙏

The UK's Cheapest
& Fastest Direct Debit Newsletter

Qualify for any bank switch offer with our 30p hassle-free newsletter.
We accept BACs Direct Debit at checkout.

Switches Make More Sense With 30 Pence

We want YOU to benefit from bank switches, without worrying about all the technical stuff.

Get your Direct Debits sorted in 1 minute. It's that easy.  

Cheap & Cheerful

All plans for our newsletter are billed monthly, can be cancelled at any time and are protected by the Direct Debit Guarantee.

80p Direct Debit

If you find our service useful, please consider an 80p DD as a virtual thank you!
Get faster email support.
You're the best, thank you! ❤️
Set Up A 80p Direct Debit

60p Direct Debit

The same newsletter, but the extra 30p really helps us cover our costs. Thanks! 🙏  
Woohoo! We breakeven with this!
Helps us keep our servers running.
Set Up A 60p Direct Debit

30p Direct Debit

Get access to our exclusive newsletter. It's the cheapest and fastest DD in the UK!
So cheap, we lose money on it!
If you can, please choose 60p  🙏
Set Up A 30p Direct Debit


Everything you need to know about The 30 Pence Newsletter.
How long does it take to set up?

Your direct debit will normally show up as 'active' within your banks Direct Debit tab within 1 business day. However, this can vary per bank so it may take longer.

Payment will usually be taken within 3 business days of your DD becoming active, but in some cases can take 7 business days.‍

Get Started Now For 30p
How do I set up a Direct Debit with 30 Pence?

1) Click the Get Started button below.

2) Choose your preferred Direct Debit cost.

3) At the checkout, ensure you select the 'Bacs Direct Debit' option.

This will give you instant access to all future newsletters sent by email!

We don't want you to pay by card, but unfortunately, our payment processor doesn't let us disable card payments.

Get Started Now For 30p
How do I cancel the Direct Debit?

You can cancel the Direct Debit by using your banks online banking service and searching for the Direct Debit settings.

You can also call them directly to cancel it.

Get Started Now For 30p
Why is 30 Pence better?

We aim to be the most transparent Direct Debit newsletters in the UK.

30 pence is the absolute minimum amount that payment processors will accept. Which is exactly why our newsletter costs 30p!

Of this 30p, the payment processor gets 21p of it. We make virtually no money on this service.

Get Started Now For 30p
Why do you have plans that cost more than 30p?

Our payment processor, Stripe, takes 21 pence of every 30 pence processed.

So you could say we 'make' 9 pence per payment, but... our website, hosting & email costs outweigh the 9 pence.

The bottom line is - we lose money on our 30p direct debits.

We absorb this cost so that people who really can't afford more than 30p can still sign up.

If you are able to afford it, please help us help others by choosing a higher priced newsletter subscription.

If you can't, that's absolutely fine 😊

Get Started Now For 30p
I need 2 Direct Debits!

No problem, just go through the sign up process twice!

You can use the same email for both Direct Debits and they will appear as seperate charges on your bank account.

This will give you two active subscriptions to our newsletter, so you may receive duplicate emails when we hit send!

Get Started Now For 30p
Is this legit? How does it work?

Yes it's legit.

We use the biggest online payment processor in the world, Stripe, so your details are safe and fully encrypted.

We also use BACS Direct Debit protocol, so you're backed by the Direct Debit Guarantee.

Get Started Now For 30p
I need help, can I contact you?

Sure, just send us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Update: We get lots of emails asking 'when will the DD show on my account'.

If it hasn't been 7 business days since you signed up, please give it a little longer. We can't speed up the process unfortunately. Some banks are just slower than others.

However, your email newsletter subscription will activate instantly, so don't worry - you'll get all emails even if payment hasn't been collected.

If you have a question that isn't answered above, please email:


Get Started Now For 30p